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David Lane graduated from Colgate University in 1979 with degrees in Classics and Philosophy of Education and from Columbia University's School of Library Science in 1981. Having retired in 2013, he served as a librarian in Memphis, Tennessee, Kansas City, Kansas, and most recently in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has published in Library Journal ("Your library's pamphlet file supports apartheid," 1990) and Woodwork Magazine ("Thinking Inside the Box: The Aesthetics of Korean Boxes and Chests," 2010). As a woodworker he has exhibited at the Minnesota "Northern Woods Exhibition" annually since 2005 and currently has an art chest based on the novel Slaughterhouse Five on exhibit at the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library in Indianapolis. He is a member of the Minnesota Woodworkers Guild, the Guild of Metalsmiths and previous member of the American Library Association.