Arts and Crafts from the Camps: The Arkansas Camp Experience (exhibition)

Exhibition of art and craft objects created by Japanese American inmates at the Arkansas concentration camps. Curated by the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Public History Program in 2004, the exhibition included objects from the collection of Rosalie Gould, a former mayor of McGehee, Arkansas, who had amassed a substantial private collection. [1] Arts and Crafts from the Camps was one of the eight exhibitions mounted in the Little Rock area that were part of the Life Interrupted project, a collaboration between the Japanese American National Museum and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Authored by Brian Niiya , Densho


  1. In 2010, Gould donated her collection to the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, and it became the basis for the 2011 exhibition The Art of Living: Japanese American Creative Experience at Rohwer .

Last updated Dec. 11, 2023, 8 p.m..